Slightly Unstable

I wrote this a while back but it never got posted, so here it is:

Every show on television or the streaming media outlet of your choice has a protagonist, an antagonist, and this one individual that tethers one or both of them to their reality.

To quote West World:

It is their cornerstone. That person is the spark at drives them to be horrible or amazing, or a little of both for the anti-hero.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want out of a relationship. What are my needs.
What am I willing to give or to share.

I want to be that spark for someone and I want someone to be that spark for me.
The person that drives me crazy it makes me live life with an unbridled passion.
Someone that almost makes me to come unhinged – on the Edge of Insanity and
loss of control, but in a fabulously wonderful way. I want to be and to have a cornerstone.

Someone that pushes my buttons in a good way — maybe in a slightly dangerous way
that makes me be better.

I want to be that spark someone else. I want to be the reason someone looks the
world in a new way and says “wow, I never thought of that before.” I want to share
my knowledge and my insanity and have someone embrace it with me. Not run
away in fear.

Someone who will go with me to the strip club and look at a girl and tell me she’s
hot. Curl up next to me on the couch, watch TV shows and eat popcorn. Someone
who will climb in the car for road trip and have no idea where we’re going to go or
what we’re going to do. Someone who can keep up with me on an intellectual level
and I can have smart conversations with about work, or life, or philosophy, or history,
or music or which Disney theme park is the best (by the way, it’s Magic Kingdom)

At the end of every day, I want to say “That was a great adventure.” Then we can fall
asleep in each others arms dreaming of what tomorrow will bring, because it will be new and amazing.

I want a partner. An equal. I want someone who I can grow old and insane with.

That’s what I want. And I will not settle.

I will live my life alone before I ever settled again.

Published by Qaizoku

In a lot of ways, I am not a role model; I do a lot of things wrong – repeatedly; I forget things – important things; I remember things – stupid things; I am currently learning Spanish - and the plan is to relocate to Colombia.

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